What Hurts More – Airsoft Vs. Paintball

If your son or daughter wants to play a shooting game and you like to enroll them in a physically challenging experience, airsoft and paintball are two options to consider. Like most parents and first-time players, you might want to start your picking process with which game hurts more.

Paintball hurts more than airsoft because paintball pellets weigh 8 to 10 times more than airsoft while having the same (or slightly lower) speed. The impact of paintballs is higher than airsoft BBs.

This is not to say airsoft does hurt, it does as you can see in my article here.

In this article, you will find out how airsoft and paintball compare in terms of their potential for fatality, speed, protective clothing’s effectiveness, and player age requirements. By the end of this short read, you’ll know which game is better for you in terms of pain.

Airsoft Vs. Paintball: Fatality

It is practically impossible to kill anyone with an airsoft gun, which is why there are zero confirmed reports of airsoft-related deaths despite there being millions of airsoft guns. In contrast, irresponsible handling of paintball guns can lead to death.

While paintball deaths are rare, they have been documented and are reported every year. Deaths actually caused by airsoft guns have never been reported. And that has to do with the impact of the respective pellets. Technically, a paintball is not harder than an airsoft BB. Moreover, it is shot at a lower speed than the Airsoft BB.

Airsoft Vs. Paintball: Speed

Airsoft guns fire at 200 to 400 FPS, while paintballs generally average a 300 FPS speed. The speed of these projectiles can be the same (with both firing at 300 FPS), or airsoft BBs can have a 33% higher pace. 

Upgraded and electric airsoft guns can have a higher shooting rate than paintball but can still not cause as much pain as a paintball. That’s because the acceleration of both projectiles has to be multiplied by their respective weight values to determine impact.

Airsoft Vs. Paintball: Weight

A 68-caliber paintball weighs 0.11 ounces, while the heaviest airsoft pellet weighs 0.01 ounces. With ten times more mass at a maximum and four times more mass at a minimum, paintballs come out as heavier in all comparisons. Even the lightest Paintball, 0.04 ounces, is heavier than the heaviest airsoft pellet.

Airsoft Vs. Paintball: Impact

The impact is another word for force, which is derived from the multiplication of mass and acceleration. Given that Paint has a 30% lower acceleration rate than an airsoft BB but ten times more mass, it is easy to see why it has a higher overall net impact. This impact is picked up by our nerves and registers as pain upon direct contact.

Protective Clothing In Airsoft And Paintball

Both airsoft and paintball require protective clothing but paintball clothing is heavier and better padded compared to airsoft. Paintball masks are often made of hard shell materials, whereas airsoft masks can be made from soft materials. Aside from face masks, most clothing in projectile-shooting games is highly interchangeable. The general rule of thumb is that with each improvement in padding, you lose mobility.

Paintball players require better endurance as they have to move as quickly as airsoft players but with heavier masks. Since paintball games last 15 minutes on average, the clothing’s breathability is far poorer than that of Airsoft. You can wear an airsoft mask to a paintball game and vice-versa, but you have to be aware of the disadvantages of each type of clothing. Even with the poorest clothing choices, you aren’t in as serious a danger in an airsoft field as you would be in a paintball game.

Is Airsoft Dangerous?

Airsoft is dangerous if you’re not dressed for it or are playing with people who intend to genuinely harm you. In most cases, Airsoft is safe for adults who wear appropriate protective gear and play with the aim of winning and not hurting the other party.

A great display of good faith in Airsoft is that a player without a helmet is never shot in the head. This is a clear indicator of how players would rather lose a shot than risk their opponents’ health. Airsoft inherently relies on an honor system where the targets confirm when they are shot since there isn’t much evidence for the shot.

This builds a very cooperative game dynamic where hurting one person can hurt the entire game. Paintball doesn’t have a mandatory honor code, though most players uphold the “no harm intended” policy.

Is Paintball Dangerous?

Paintball is not dangerous in the context of the game, but paintball guns can be used to inflict serious damage on people who do not have sufficient protection. Eye injuries, temple shots, and groin shots can cause the most harm.

The protective gear requirements for playing Paintball can help minimize injuries. Moreover, the minimum age limit imposed by most fields can further ensure that there is no irresponsible use of paintball guns.

What Is The Age Range For Paintball?

Paintball can be played by kids over the age of 10 in a field where other players are of the same age group. Players over the age of 16 can play with other players of any age, but those under 16 have to play with limitations.

What Is The Age Range For Airsoft?

The age range for Airsoft starts at eight years, but most players in minor games are 12 years old. Airsoft fields have protocols in place to minimize accidents for younger players.

Age rangeShooting Game Limitations
10 – 12 years– Guns with a lower shooting speed
– Extra protection
– Wavier from parents
– Opponents of equal age group
12 – 16 years– Waiver from parents
– Extra protection
– Opponents of equal age group
16 – 18 years– Waiver from parents
– Opponents of equal age group or higher
– Basic protection requirements
18 – 21 years– Basic protection requirements

Final Thoughts

Airsoft guns shoot projectiles eight to ten times lighter than paintballs, and you have to be more heavily protected with hard shell masks when playing Paintball. These two factors show that Airsoft doesn’t hurt more than Paintball. Above all, there are no recorded fatalities attributed to airsoft pellets, while paintball guns have been responsible for documented deaths.


John has been playing airsoft for nearly two decades and has a passion for sharing his knowledge in an accessible manner that helps beginners get started with airsoft.

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