What Ammo Is Used In Airsoft?

Getting ready for airsoft entails buying the items you need starting with the more expensive stuff. Airsoft Ammo is the least expensive item on the airsoft shopping list. It is often ignored till the last minute but is fortunately not a difficult purchase.

Plastic BBs, also known as airsoft BBs or airsoft pellets, are used as ammo in airsoft guns. They come in a range of weight classes, with lighter ones being faster and heavier ones being more accurate.

In this article, you will learn more about airsoft ammunition alongside its size and weight types. You will also discover whether airsoft BBs are interchangeable with metal BBs and what their differences are. But first, let’s look at the main question in depth.

What Ammo Do You Use For Airsoft?

You use plastic BBs as ammunition for airsoft. These BBs are round and slightly larger than standard BBs and are also much lighter. They do not harm the individual they are fired at for the most part.

Airsoft Ammo is the greatest safeguard against on-field injuries. It does not penetrate exposed skin and cannot kill people. Ammo in airsoft is referred to by many names, including “Airsoft bullets,” “Airsoft BBs,” and simply “ammo.” The last one is used most often in the field, where ammo can refer to only one thing.

Just like “Airsoft Bullet” should not be confused with a real bullet, “Airsoft BB” should not be confused with a real BB. Airsoft BBs are softer, less dangerous, and okay for tactical combat. Metal BBs aren’t used in Airsoft, so whenever the term “BB” is used in the context of airsoft, you should assume that plastic BBs are being discussed.

You might find an online resource that covers Airsoft tactics. It might say something like, “Stash extra BBs in a hidden place on the field.” Even though the term “Airsoft BB” isn’t used, it is implied. The statement, therefore, refers to plastic airsoft bullets.

Airsoft BB Vs. Standard BB

Outside of Airsoft blogs and books, whenever you hear the word “BB,” it refers to the ammunition of BB guns. This ammunition is almost always made from metal.

A regular BB is made from metal, whereas an airsoft BB is made from plastic. In the context of airsoft, the term BB refers to airsoft BB (plastic), but in general, the term refers to metal BBs.

The main differences between airsoft BBs and metal BBs, aside from their materials, are:

  • Airsoft BBs are bigger – Airsoft bullets are slightly bigger than those used in BB guns. You can spot this difference with the naked eye.
  • Regular BBs are heavier – Despite being larger, airsoft BBs are lighter than regular BBs. This is mainly because of the heavier material used for BB gun ammo.
  • Airsoft BBs launch slower – airsoft guns don’t shoot at the same speed as BB guns. The latter can launch at 550 FPS, while the rarest high-speed airsoft guns breach the 500 FPS barrier. Common airsoft shooting speeds are much lower. Read this post on how fast airsoft guns are to learn more.
  • Regular BBs can penetrate exposed skin – The combination of metal make and high speed makes BBs dangerous when shot at humans. This is the case mainly because metal BBs can penetrate the skin.
  • Airsoft BBs can be used for tactical games – Because Airsoft BBs can’t penetrate the skin, they can be used in tactical combat games where players shoot at each other. Airsoft bullets are painful, as mentioned in my post dedicated to the subject. However, they aren’t lethal and, with sufficient protective equipment, are nerfed enough.
  • Regular BBs can be used for hunting – The low firepower of Airsoft BBs can become a liability when you use them to kill pests. In contrast, regular BBs’ can be used to kill small animals and birds.

The comparison above shows that despite sharing a part of their name with regular BBs, airsoft BBs are quite safe. But what if you want them to pack a bigger punch?

Some people want to use their airsoft guns for the things that BB guns are generally used for. For example, you might want to hunt small game with your airsoft gun. Plastic BBs will probably not work for that. But what if you use metal BBs in your airsoft gun?

Can You Use BBs In Airsoft?

You can use metal BBs in an airsoft gun, but they would not shoot at the same speed as they would in a BB gun. You can expect the BBs to be 150 FPS to 220 FPS slower when shot via an airsoft gun.

Still, they are fast enough to injure a human. Metal BBs in airsoft guns aren’t safe or efficient. They also take a toll on the gun, which is designed to launch plastic pellets.

In other words, it is a good idea to stick to plastic BBs for airsoft. And in that, you have two size options and three weight options.

Types Of Airsoft BBs

Airsoft BBs come in two main size types. The larger ones are now being phased out, while the smaller ones have been streamlined.

  • 0.24 in – These are quickly becoming more prominent, with the latest guns being designed solely for the 0.24-inch BBs. All airsoft guns can launch these pellets.
  • 0.3 in – These pellets are easier to spot when they are shot, so some players like them more. With larger BBs, there are fewer disputes regarding the pellet hitting or missing. However, these BBs’ production isn’t economical, which is why they’re being phased out. They work in old airsoft guns but don’t really fit new ones.

Since the size of the airsoft BBs is getting streamlined, your purchase options can vary by weight.

Here are the different weight classes of Airsoft BBs:

  • 0.12g – 0.20g – These are the lightest airsoft pellets and are pretty good for full auto use. They can fly quite far unless there is serious wind resistance.
  • 0.25g – 0.28g – These are medium-weight pellets that balance accuracy and speed. The lower end in this, 0.25g, is one of the most common airsoft pellet weights. It is preferred for being compatible with semi-automatic fire, which is the most common mode of playing airsoft today.
  • 0.30 – 0.40g – These are heavier BBs that are more accurate in single-fire contexts. They are used by handicappers who find it hard to hit their targets.

Which BBs Are Better? Heavy Or Light?

Lighter BBs are better for BB showers, while heavier ones are better at maintaining accuracy across long-distance shots. You should start by getting airsoft BBs of standard weight. Then, you can adjust the weight based on whether your shots need more accuracy or speed.

Final Thoughts

Airsoft BBs are the ammo used in airsoft guns. They are small plastic balls that are slightly larger and much safer than metal BBs used in BB guns. They can weigh between 0.12 and 0.40 grams and can be purchased online or at an airsoft field.


John has been playing airsoft for nearly two decades and has a passion for sharing his knowledge in an accessible manner that helps beginners get started with airsoft.

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