Should I Reuse Airsoft BBs?

Airsoft guns aren’t like real guns in many ways. And one of the most significant ways in which they differ is the firing mechanism. The operation principle of the airsoft gun doesn’t destroy the projectile upon firing it like a gun, which blasts a bullet. If you pick up an airsoft BB after it has been fired and examine it, you might find it virtually identical to a new one. You might even consider reusing it.

You shouldn’t reuse airsoft BBs because if they are out of shape, even by a small margin, they might get stuck in the gun. This renders the gun useless, at least for the short run. While reusing is technically possible, it does put the gun at risk.

In this article, you will learn more about determining whether airsoft BB reuse is worth it or not in different situations. Among other things, you’ll also discover ways to extend the longevity of your BBs and the situations in which you should never reuse old airsoft BBs. So let’s get started.

Airsoft BB Reuse: The Good And The Bad

Airsoft BBs are the least expensive items needed to play airsoft. But because of full auto mode and lack of aiming in airsoft, players can run out of BBs if they don’t stock up enough. When you’re out of ammunition in the middle of an airsoft game, you might consider reusing your BBs. In cases where the BBs aren’t damaged and can fit the magazine without a problem, they can be reused technically.

Reusing is good if the gun is old, but in most cases, it is better not to reuse airsoft BBs. Let’s look at when you should and when you should not reuse Airsoft pellets.

When it makes sense to reuse Airsoft BBs

It makes sense to use Airsoft BBs more than once, only in a single situation where two things are simultaneously true.

  1. Condition one – The airsoft gun you’re using is cheap – Because the airsoft BBs are not exactly round after being fired once. They can have a different shape which can get them stuck in the gun.
  2. Condition two – You have run out of BBs in the middle of a game – The only time it makes sense to put your gun at risk for the sake of an old BB is if you have no new BBs left to fire.

Both of the above conditions have to be valid for it to make sense for one to reuse old BBs. If your gun is cheap, but you have new BBs, you might as well use them. And if you’re out of BBs but your gun is expensive, why put a high-value item at risk for the sake of a single game?

In both instances, it is a suboptimal choice to reuse BBs. But in some contexts, it is a downright bad choice. Let’s look at situations where you should not reuse airsoft BBs.

When You Should Not Reuse Airsoft BBs

You should not reuse airsoft guns whenever you can play without reusing them. Since most fields sell airsoft BBs, and the BBs have a universal size, it makes reusing BBs a bad choice in general. Here are the specific instances where you should really avoid reusing BBs.

  • When your gun is rented or borrowed – In a game where even hits are called based on self-report, honor is important. To risk a gun that you do not own is against the spirit of airsoft.
  • When your gun costs more than the field time – It doesn’t make sense to put at risk a gun that costs more to make use of field time that costs less. If you run out of BBs, take a loss for the round if you can’t borrow BBs from your teammates.
  • When you have enough BBs to finish the game – If you have BBs you can use, there’s no point being stingy because you won’t be able to use fresh BBs when your gun gets stuck because of old ones.
  • When you don’t have a spare gun – Finally, the worst time to use old BBs is when you have only one gun. It doesn’t matter how cheap the gun is because you’ll have nothing to play with if the gun stops working.

The Best Solution: Borrow Or Buy More BBs

It is often said that if anyone on your team has BBs, you are better off asking them for spares instead of putting your gun at risk. If your gun stops working, then your team loses, especially if you don’t have a spare gun.

What To Do If A Bb Is Stuck In Your Airsoft Gun?

If a BB is stuck in your airsoft gun, you should retire the gun for the ongoing game and disassemble it later. After disassembling it, you can pry out the stuck pellet.

In case you cannot disassemble the gun, take it to a dedicated airsoft shop to have it repaired. Beware, though, because sometimes the gun repair can cost more than buying a new airsoft gun. That’s why your primary focus should be on preserving the airsoft pellets on the field by aiming better and shooting less frivolously.

How To Preserve BBs In Airsoft Games

To preserve airsoft BBs, you should pack more pellets than you need, turn off full auto, and shoot with the aim of making contact with one to three pellets per attempt.

Having more BBs than you need actually helps you avoid reusing old ones. But you should keep them in a locker or a bag, so you don’t end up using BBs frivolously.

How To Get BBs Cheaper

Finally, to avoid reusing BBs out of cost reasons, you should buy your airsoft pellets in bulk. Larger packs cost less per pellet.

Final Thoughts

Airsoft BBs are pretty inexpensive but also easy to run out of on the field if you don’t pack enough or use them too frivolously. The best strategy, though, isn’t to reuse them but to use them wisely, so you don’t end up putting your gun at risk.


John has been playing airsoft for nearly two decades and has a passion for sharing his knowledge in an accessible manner that helps beginners get started with airsoft.

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