Which Is Safer? Airsoft VS BB Guns

Whether you get a projectile-shooting gun for your kid or yourself, you want to be sure that the gun is safe. While airsoft and BB guns are safer than actual guns, they vary in the extent of damage they can inflict.

Airsoft guns are safer than BB guns because airsoft pellets do not pierce the skin, while the metal pellets from a BB gun can be deadly. Neither type of gun is safe for kids and pre-teens, though teenagers can use them with appropriate protective gear and under supervision if the law allows it.

In this article, you will find out how airsoft and BB guns compare to each other. You already have an idea of the safer option, but this post details a few things that you should know before getting one of these guns for yourself or someone else. But first, let’s address which gun is deadlier.

Which Gun Is Deadlier? – Airsoft Vs. BB Guns?

BB guns are far deadlier than airsoft guns, as there are multiple instances of documented injuries and deaths related to BB guns but no recorded deaths associated with airsoft guns.

The material shot by both guns is different, and the harshness of the BB gun pellets is what makes them far more dangerous.

What Material Do BB Guns Fire?

BB guns fire metal pellets, including soft lead or steel, both of which are strong enough to cause serious injuries if aimed at vulnerable spots or shot at a close distance.

Short-distance shooting is generally risky. The closer you are to the target, the more harm you can inflict, even with softer material. That’s why airsoft guns’ relatively softer material should not be taken as a license to shoot whenever one pleases.

What Material Are Airsoft Bullets Made Of?

Airsoft pellets are made out of plastic which makes them far less dangerous than BB gun pellets. They are harmless when fired at clothed individuals wearing safety goggles and a hard shell helmet.

In airsoft games, players do not aim at the head anyway, which further reduces the risk of a serious injury. Any shots fired within 3 feet of a target can still cause serious pain. Most often, the pain caused by an average airsoft pellet is equal to a string.

Which Gun Should Kids Use? Airsoft Vs. BB Gun

Kids should never be allowed near a BB gun as there are multiple instances of self-harm related to poor BB gun safety. Airsoft guns can be used by teens under the supervision of adults.

Ultimately it comes down to the law of the land and how much you trust the kids. In some states, it is illegal for a minor to handle an airsoft gun. In others, airsoft fields welcome teenagers but impose safety regulations that ensure no one gets hurt.

Pre-teens should be kept away from tactical shooting games that involve pellets. Laser tag is a far better alternative for kids as it doesn’t involve physical projectiles yet enables similar types of play.

What Parents Need To Know About Airsoft And BB Guns

In this section, you will find out a few things you should know before you get a pellet shooting gun for your son or daughter. This information should ease your mind as it separates fact from fiction.

Airsoft Pellets Don’t Kill Anyone

As of now, there are zero recorded deaths associated with airsoft. That’s because the soft material pellets can do nothing more than sting the skin. If you trust your son enough not to aim deliberately at others’ exposed eyes or his own head, you can be sure that the gun will not rm anyone.

Airsoft pellets can chip a tooth or cause an injury if handled irresponsibly. So, you shouldn’t take their low fatality risk as a stand-in for safety. In the wrong hands, they can be dangerous too.

BB Guns Aren’t To Shoot At Your Friends

Airsoft is the softer version of paintball, most people believe. And that is pretty close to the truth. However, there are some people who think airsoft and BB guns are interchangeable. But that’s not the case because BB guns are for target practice, while airsoft guns are for paintball-style tactical games. You cannot shoot your friends with a BB gun because there is no way to make it safe. You can shoot airsoft pellets at your friends if they are in airsoft-appropriate clothing.

BB Gun Pellets Can Pierce The Skin

Airsoft pellets cannot pierce the skin. The same cannot be said about BB guns, which have been documented to puncture the skin at short distances. Eye shots and shots to the throat have been known to trigger ER visits. Avoid Firing A BB Gun At A Human.

BB Guns Can Be Used For Hunting

Mall game hunting is possible with a BB gun, provided that you have permission to shoot the gun. BB gun pellets can kill birds and small mammals. They can also be used to ill pests and injure lagomorphs for live capturing.

Airsoft Guns Are Not Legal In All States

Airsoft guns are not legal in every state because some states have banned them due to a few incidents. Often airsoft guns can be mistaken for real guns, which can escalate situations with the police. Make sure to check not just state laws but county regulations regarding airsoft guns before getting one. Some states see airsoft and BB guns as regular guns.

Beware Of The Orange Tip Rule.

Finally, you need to add an orange tip to your airsoft or BB gun to indicate that it is not fake. Airsoft guns being confused with real guns lead to more deaths than actual airsoft guns, mainly because airsoft guns do not kill people.

Some states make orange tips mandatory outside the field, while others go further, insisting that the tip be fixed permanently on the gun. My article on whether you can shoot an airsoft gun in the forest covers the individual states and their attitudes towards airsoft guns. Make sure to check it out.

Final Thoughts

airsoft guns are safer than BB guns, but that doesn’t mean they are safe in all situations. One should exercise caution with both types of guns as they shoot solid projectiles that can hurt in the case of airsoft and cause permanent injuries in the case of BB guns.


John has been playing airsoft for nearly two decades and has a passion for sharing his knowledge in an accessible manner that helps beginners get started with airsoft.

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