Playing Airsoft With Glasses? Here’s How 

Airsoft is a very democratic game that is accessible to everyone who doesn’t mind the painful stings of airsoft BBs. Because of countless pieces of adaptive gear, people who wear prescription glasses can play airsoft too. They just need to know their options and limitations.

To play airsoft with glasses, you can get prescription goggles or goggles that go over your prescription glasses. The first solution is comfortable but expensive, while the second takes getting used to but is accessible.

In this article, you will learn more about playing airsoft with glasses, including what to expect and the pros and cons of each solution. Towards the end, you will get my recommendation for the best product you can get as a new airsoft player who wears prescription glasses. But first, we have to talk about airsoft prescription goggles.

Airsoft Prescription Goggles

The most comfortable solution for playing airsoft if you wear prescription glasses is to get goggles with matching prescriptions. These are far more comfortable and are compatible with airsoft masks.

All you have to do is double-check your current prescription and cite it when you ask to order prescription goggles. But before you place your order, you should know the advantages and disadvantages of this option. So let’s have a look at those.

Pros of prescription airsoft Goggles:

  • They are safe – airsoft goggles are designed to protect the eyes from accidental shots. If you don’t wear appropriate eye protection, airsoft BBs might injure your eyes. Prescription goggles are the safest solution for those who wear glasses.
  • They are comfortable – Prescription goggles are more comfortable than most of the options available to people with poor eyesight. They can get you as close to the comfort level of a player who doesn’t have to wear prescription glasses. That said, goggles can still take some getting used to.
  • Your game is not compromised – Most of the other options will add an extra layer of discomfort or will compromise your vision, which can reduce your effectiveness in the field. Prescription goggles ensure that you do not have those handicaps when playing airsoft.
  • Your mask selection is not limited – airsoft mask selection can be limited for players as they have to choose ones that can go over prescription glasses. But if they wear prescription goggles, they don’t have this dilemma.

While these goggles can be a net advantage, they are not free of drawbacks. You have to consider both sides before deciding whether you want to use prescription goggles for airsoft.

Cons of using prescription goggles:

  • They are expensive – Prescription goggles are more expensive than regular airsoft goggles. That much is self-evidence since prescription goggles need to be designed according to medical standards. If you’re just getting into airsoft, this might not be an expense you can immediately afford.
  • They are not as easily available – Even if you decide that prescription goggles for airsoft are worth the money, you might not find them at a store nearby. This limits you to online shopping, which can have longer delivery times.
  • They have a limited review pool – When you buy products online, one of the metrics of quality upon which you can rely is the review pool. Generally, it has to be diversified and large enough to cross 500 reviews and ratings. Only then can you be sure that the averages are reliable. Being a specialty product, prescription eyewear has fewer reviews, making them hit-or-miss in most cases.

Overall, prescription goggles for airsoft are the best solution for those who can get them. But because of availability and pricing obstacles, many players don’t have access to them. The next best thing is to have goggles that go over airsoft glasses.

Goggles Over Glasses

The goggles-over-glasses method entails exactly what you would expect. This solution requires you to have goggles that are large enough to go over regular prescription glasses. They can keep your vision clear, but whether they can secure your prescription glasses to the point where you can play just as freely as anyone else is yet to be seen.

Pros of wearing goggles over glasses:

  • Clarity of vision – Because you wear prescription glasses in this method, you don’t have compromised eyesight in the field. But this is a bare minimum advantage that has to be present in all solutions.
  • Cheaper solution – Compared to prescription goggles, protective goggles that go over prescription goggles are generally cheaper. For most people starting airsoft, this point can matter a lot.
  • It is easily available – New players often look up equipment within a month of an upcoming game. These goggles are available on Amazon and can be purchased and delivered within a week in most cases.

The best goggles I would recommend for players who wear prescription glasses are Sposune airsoft Goggles because they have a high-quality adjustable strap that can hold the prescription glasses in place. As you will read in the general cons of this method, goggles can fog up, but these particular goggles have anti-fog technology, which helps you maintain clear vision while playing.

With over 1,100 reviews and ratings, this product has a global collective average of 4.4 stars on a 5-star scale. Over 84% of reviewers have given it 5 or 4 stars, and 4.7 stars is its highest rating for a specific feature (value for money).

These goggles bypass most of the drawbacks commonly connected with wearing airsoft goggles over prescription glasses. For clarity’s sake, those disadvantages need to be mentioned anyway.

Cons of wearing goggles over glasses:

  • Uncomfortable – Goggles worn over prescription glasses can be pretty uncomfortable. Playing airsoft can be difficult when you have to pause and balance two different pairs of eyewear.
  • Slows you down – Goggles can slow you down if they don’t firmly hold your prescription glasses in place. You can offset this by choosing goggles that come with an adjustable strap.

Final Thoughts

You can play airsoft while wearing your prescription glasses if you put on goggles that are meant to go over your glasses. If you fancy spending more for comfort, get prescription goggles. Both solutions clear your vision and allow you to play on the same level as your airsoft-playing peers. However, goggles over glasses take some getting used to compared to solo goggles.


John has been playing airsoft for nearly two decades and has a passion for sharing his knowledge in an accessible manner that helps beginners get started with airsoft.

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