Head Protection In Airsoft – Is A Helmet Worth It?

Protecting your head in an airsoft game is crucial because even a low-impact hit to the head can be dangerous. Aside from taking cover, the only thing a player can do to protect his head is to wear protective gear over it.

An Airsoft helmet is worth it in games where you cannot trust your opponents. Intentional headshots are discouraged when a player isn’t wearing a helmet. But if your opponents are malicious, then you should not enter the field without a helmet.

In this article, you will learn more about the pros and cons of an Airsoft helmet so you can decide whether you should wear one or not. You will also learn tips and tricks to further improve your overall defense on the field. But first, let’s address the main question.

Should I Wear A Helmet In Airsoft?

You should wear a helmet in Airsoft if your opponents are malicious or the field has high elevation and too many overhead structures. Otherwise, a mask and goggles will offer sufficient protection. If you don’t mind the weight of the helmet, then you can wear one anyway.

Pros Of Wearing A Helmet

Airsoft helmets are pretty common, and some of them cost a pretty penny. This section covers why airsoft players wear helmets. Each of the benefits discussed below is universally relevant.

Full-Head Protection

The greatest and primary advantage of wearing a helmet is that it protects your entire head. In contrast, a face mask covers just your face. Depending on whether a mask or a helmet has inbuilt goggles, your eyes are protected too. An airsoft helmet is a step up in protection from a face mask. If a pellet hits your head while you’re wearing a helmet, your head doesn’t hurt, though you can hear the shot pretty clearly.

Less Damage When You Fall

A helmet protects your head from airsoft pellets, but most players don’t get shot in their heads anyway. Only accidental pellets hit the unprotected head. However, an Airsoft field is pretty complex, with high-ground and low-ground structures. Most head injuries happen from falling or bumping into things. A strong enough helmet can minimize the effects of a fall, especially if you hit your head at an angle.

Protection From Overhead Structures

As mentioned earlier, bumping into things is a major contributor to Airsoft head injuries. Depending on the field, there can be overhead door frames or even sharp corners that a player might run into without realizing. When a player wears a helmet, he doesn’t have to be as cautious of branches, door frames, and other structures that are poking out at head level. This can free up the player to focus on the game.

It Looks Great

The final advantage of an airsoft helmet is that it looks cool. You will be surprised to learn that almost half the players who wear a helmet do so just because it looks good. If you look at helmets like ATAIRSOFT PJ Type Helmet, you’ll see that plenty of the verified reviews rave about the appearance before getting to the protection aspect. Eighteen reviews and questions mention its appearance.

Many customers have uploaded photos of themselves wearing the ATAIRSOFT helmet, and some have chosen it as a Halloween costume. However, it is more than just a fancy-looking helmet. Over 2000 reviews and ratings have collectively rated it an average of 4.5 stars on a 5-star scale.

Cons Of Wearing A Helmet

Whether you wear a helmet to look cool or for added protection, you must know the price you have to pay. And I’m not talking about the monetary price only. There are a few disadvantages to Airsoft helmets. And just like the pros, these aren’t context-specific but are universal. In other words, you’ll have to deal with these drawbacks no matter the context.

Your Head Becomes A Big Target

There is not a single game of Airsoft where wearing a helmet doesn’t lead to your head becoming a target. Very few players get shot in their heads when they are not wearing a helmet. However, wearing a helmet is seen as permission to get shot in the head.

This can be dangerous if the helmet is not strong enough. You might get shot because the shooter assumes you won’t get hurt. But if your helmet isn’t strong enough, you can get hurt. To offset this, you should make sure you get a helmet that is reviewed positively for its protection.

The Helmet Is Heavy

Airsoft masks come in a diverse range of weights. From fabric masks to metal mesh ones, there are plenty of masks that are not heavy. Helmets, on the other hand, are generally heavy. Even the lightest helmet feels significantly weightier than a mask.

It Can Get Itchy When Hot

Helmets can get pretty hot when it is hot outside. Even in “nice” weather, you might experience serious heat. Having a hot head and itchy scalp while running around in a game where you need maximum focus can be a serious disadvantage. You can offset this by getting a breathable helmet. But compared to masks, Airsoft helmets are hot and humid.

It Can Be Expensive

If you wear a helmet, you should wear one that’s strong enough to protect you from intentional headshots. And such helmets can be pretty expensive compared to airsoft masks. This is an unavoidable price that you have to pay for extra protection in an airsoft game.

Improve your head protection during airsoft games with these tips:

  • Wear a helmet – This alone can make many other precautions redundant. 
  • Maintain your distance – Close-distance shots have a greater impact.
  • Take cover whenever you can – The longer you are without cover, the likelier you are to get shot.
  • Avoid being directly below other players – The head is an easy target for someone taking a shot from above.
  • Avoid unfenced elevation – You might fall from getting shot on an arm or a leg if the high ground is exposed.

Final Thoughts

Airsoft players have a bond of goodwill, and there is little to no malice on the field. That’s why many airsoft players can play without even face protection, let alone head protection. But even if no one shoots at your head intentionally, you might get hit accidentally. You can also bump your head or fall and hit your head. In all these instances, your helmet offers head protection.


John has been playing airsoft for nearly two decades and has a passion for sharing his knowledge in an accessible manner that helps beginners get started with airsoft.

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