How Many Players Are Needed for an Airsoft Game?

If you bought your airsoft gun and have convinced a few friends to do the same, you might be wondering how many more people need to be on your side before you can play at an arena.

On average, you need 6 to 8 players to play most airsoft games, though arenas require 10 players under the “per-head payment” model for economic reasons. You can privately play solo and duo games with yourself or a friend, but these games would be different than the conventional airsoft showdown.

In this article, we will go over airsoft games you can play alone and ones you can play with a few friends. We will also dive deeper into airsoft arena games alongside the number of players needed for each one. By the end of this post, you’ll know a lot more about having fun with your airsoft gun, no matter how many people are on board with you. That’s why we start off by looking at private games.

Private Games

Private airsoft games are games that include airsoft guns but don’t follow the same rules as standard airsoft games played in fields and arenas. These games are mostly hosted privately, hence the name. The rules of these games can vary depending on the number of players and the space available. It can be hard to play capture the flag if the area doesn’t have room for two equally advantaged bases.

Still, there are plenty of games one can play privately with airsoft weapons. You just need to hold up the health and safety standards that are recommended for most airsoft games. In fact, there are a few games you can play alone with an airsoft gun.

Solo Games

Solo games you can play with airsoft guns are variations of target shooting. The name of the game can vary based on the target, but the underlying principle is the same. Here are some games you can play solo with an airsoft gun.

Shoot The Duck 

Place a rubber duck on a post at a distance and try shooting it. Look at how many attempts it takes to take out the duck. You can also count how many times the airsoft BBs hit the duck out of every dozen attempts.

How Many Cans In A Minute? 

Another way to introduce an element of competition with yourself is to shoot with time constraints. Usually, a one-minute period I enough to take out a few targets. In this game, you need to have multiple cans spaced out and on the same level. You need to take out as many cans as you can before the stopwatch indicates the one-minute mark.

Moving Target Shooting 

The final difficulty level of airsoft solo games is to shoot a moving target. What you use to get the target moving is up to you. From plates shot through a cannon to a basketball bouncing off a rooftop, there are plenty of ways to get things moving. Generally, it is better to play this game on an airsoft shooting range that offers high-precision moving target shooting practice.

At this point, you might be wondering who goes to an airsoft arena to play alone. Plenty o people. Airsoft fields don’t cater to groups only. Many players get their target practice done on the field. Some airsoft fields have specialized games for two or three people. But for the most part, such “games” are considered practice.

Duo Games

Games that can be played by two people aren’t common in the standard airsoft arena. The practice tracks that allow two to three people to engage in airsoft shooting are in ranges in states where guns are banned everywhere except the approved range.

In almost every other state, duo games are hosted privately. In this section, we will look at what duo games one can play privately or at a range that allows less than 10 players.

Capture The Flag (2-Player Version) 

Each player is given 5 to 10 lives, depending on the difficulty of the playing area. He has to capture the other player’s flag before getting shot down. Each successful shot removes one life. The shooting player has to try to get rid of all the lives. 

The player capturing the flag can shoot back and reclaim his life by successfully shooting the player targeting him. He has to maintain at least one life until he captures the flag and brings it to his base.

Moving target shooting Both players take turns shooting at a target that is thrown or launched by the other player. This game can be played with even a single weapon. 

How Many Cans In One Minute?

The multiplayer version of “how many cans in one minute?” this came entails shooting as many equally spaced cans in one minute as one can.

One Shot, One Kill 

The two players take a bet on who takes down a target in one shot. If both successfully shoot the target, they have to move farther away and repeat. Eventually, one player misses and is crowned the loser.

Multi-Target Score Comparison 

In this game, players try to take down as many targets with 5 to 6 pellets. The highest score is 6 targets for 6 shots. The one with the lowest score loses.

Arena Games

Arena games in airsoft are far more reminiscent of paintball, but they go on for a longer period. Arenas usually set the minimum at 10 players because of economic and game reasons.

  • Last Man Standing – 3 to 4 people required – This is also known as free-for-all and is a game where everyone shoots everyone else. The last man standing wins.
  • Hostage Rescue – 6 people required – This is a standard hostage rescue scenario where instead of capturing the flag, one team has to capture the hostage that is being held by the other team.
  • Center Flag – 4 people at a minimum. 10 people, ideally – Both teams have to try to capture the flag in the center of the field with minimum casualties.
  • Capture the Flag – 4 people at a minimum. 10 people, ideally – Both teams try to capture the flag from the other’s base. The one that successfully takes the enemy’s flag and brings it to its home base wins.
  • Death Match – 6 to 12 people, required – Two teams try to shoot out each other. The team that wipes out the other wins.

Final Thoughts

Airsoft gets fun when more than 6 people play, though it is possible to play some games with even 4 people. Most arenas that rent the field by per-head payment insist on 10-player enrollment. It is often best economically as well as functionally to have 10 to 12 people in an airsoft game.


John has been playing airsoft for nearly two decades and has a passion for sharing his knowledge in an accessible manner that helps beginners get started with airsoft.

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