Airsoft Bullet Speed: How Fast Can They Go?

Airsoft guns look pretty realistic yet have “soft” in the name. This can give two extremely erroneous signals. Those who hear about airsoft might think they are soft-pellet shooters. And those who look at the guns without knowing their context might mistake them for deadly weapons. The truth is in the middle as their projectiles are softer than real guns but are fast enough to cause pain. Airsoft speed is usually measured in feet per second (FPS), but for this article I am giving context with MPH as well.

On average, airsoft bullet speed ranges from 150 – 500 fps. This equates to roughtly 100 – 340 mph. Guns are able to go faster and slower then this, but much slower and the bullets would not travel far, and too much faster and they could cause more damage.

In this article, you will learn more about the average speed of different types of airsoft bullets and what said speed means in each context. You will find out whether airsoft guns can be used for hunting and if they can fatally wound people. Curious about airsoft distance, check out this article. By the end of this post, you will have all the information you need to decide whether or not an airsoft gun is right for you. But first, let’s dive deeper into the main topic.

How Fast Do Airsoft Bullets Go?

Often time, airsoft bullets go at 330 fps with an electric airsoft gun. With a spring and gas gun, these pellets tend to go at a slower pace.

In other words, airsoft Bullets are too fast to dodge regardless of whether they are shot from a spring or a gas gun. At this point, you might wonder why airsoft guns shoot at such an unnecessarily high speed. If only a six mph pace is needed to hit a moving human target, what is the need for firing mechanisms that go beyond 100 mph?

Airsoft bullets have a higher velocity because they are meant to hit their targets from a very long distance. If the bullets traveled at the bare minimum speed necessary to hit a target, they would fall down before reaching the target from a long distance.

How Harmful Is An Airsoft Gun?

The drawback of a high-speed shooting mechanism is that it can be harmful to the target. Three factors affect how dangerous a projectile is to the subject and how much pain it causes:

  • The size of the projectile – Smaller projectiles have a higher penetrative power, while larger ones have a higher contact impact. A baseball bat can break bones, while a spear can puncture the skin.
  • The material of the projectile – A projectile’s material dictates its weight as well as its durability compared to the target material. If a target material is soft and thin and the projectile is heavy and hard, it can penetrate through the outer layer of the target. The opposite is also true, which is why Nerf Guns don’t hurt as much as a BB guns.
  • The speed of contact of the projectile – Finally, you have to factor in the speed of a projectile. If a pellet is traveling at a high enough speed, it can have enough momentum to pass through the material it would otherwise not have gone through.

Airsoft bullets are made from plastic, are smaller than paintball projectiles, and travel at hundreds of miles per second. This makes Airsoft bullets dangerous unless the subject is wearing sufficient protective gear.

Airsoft bullets should not be aimed at the face or the groin area of a player and should not be shot at low proximity. The bullets can be fatal at a short distance if they are aimed at a vulnerable part of someone without protective gear, especially if they are shot at a close range.

Can An Airsoft Bullet Be Deadly?

For an airsoft bullet to be deadly, so many contextual conditions need to be met that it is nearly impossible to kill someone on accident with an airsoft bullet. That’s why there are zero recorded deaths attributed to airsoft pellets.

Still, Airsoft bullets can cause permanent damage to eyes and teeth. The bullets can also be extremely painful to exposed skin and can lead to internal bleeding. Fortunately, airsoft players don’t aim at the unprotected human head.

It is theoretically possible to use an Airsoft gun to cause an injury that can lead to death. But this would require the target to be stationary and the shooter to be almost next to the target. In other words, it isn’t practical because humans are wise enough to resist or move away from malicious actors.

Can You Use Airsoft Bullets For Hunting?

You can use airsoft bullets for hunting, but they will not be very efficient. They might cause pain and injure your game more often than rendering it immobile. That said, it is better to use actual hunting rifles and guns for catching your game instead of using plastic pellets.

You cannot even kill a rat with an airsoft gun since airsoft pellets need over 600 mph speed to penetrate the mammalian skin. So airsoft bullets are just great at causing pain but don’t really do much else when used on any animal, including humans.

Do Airsoft Guns Hurt?

Speaking of pain, let’s discuss the level of pain an airsoft bullet can cause. The incredible speed of the plastic bullet makes it seem fatal, at least at first glance. But is it really painful?

Airsoft guns don’t hurt but can cause pain similar to that of a sting, especially when shot at bare skin. The bullets don’t penetrate the skin but can cause internal bleeding and bruising if they make contact with exposed skin.

Thick clothing can keep the bullets from causing pain, but the thicker your clothes, the less mobile you are. That increases the odds of getting hit, which is counterproductive in an airsoft game. Lighter clothing alongside a decent cover strategy will help you win your next airsoft game.

Final Thoughts

Airsoft bullets travel at less than half the speed of real bullets. Moreover, they are designed to be blunt and are made of plastic, which is relatively softer. As a consequence, airsoft bullets can’t kill or fatally wound humans but can still cause permanent injuries if used irresponsibly. 


John has been playing airsoft for nearly two decades and has a passion for sharing his knowledge in an accessible manner that helps beginners get started with airsoft.

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