Do You Need A Mask To Play Airsoft? All You Need To Know

Airsoft games emulate projectile weapon combat, which is why there is a risk of injury and the possibility of getting hurt. Airsoft pellets can be painful if they hit exposed skin, and vulnerable areas like the face should be protected. That said, such protection isn’t mandated.

In general, adults are not required to wear masks when playing airsoft. Eye protection is always encouraged, however and usually required at fields. Underage players are often required full-face masks.

In this article, you will learn the minimum face protection requirements as well as the pros and cons of wearing masks. By the end of this post, you’ll know which masks are the most breathable and what kind of eye protection you should get for your upcoming airsoft game. Check out this post on types of airsoft mask materials. If you already play paintball, you could consider using a paintball mask as well.

Minimum Face Protection Requirements

When playing airsoft, you should protect your eyes at a bare minimum. The eye-protection requirement may not even be mandated by the field, but it is still worth imposing on yourself because an accidental hit can permanently blind you. There are plenty of eye shields like Lancer Tactical AERO Goggles that can help you cover your eyes without affecting your breathing or making you uncomfortable.

These goggles are almost 1/8th of an inch in thickness and have anti-scratch protection offering a clear and secure vision. They are rated 4.3 stars on average out of 5 stars, with their sheerness being rated 4.8 on the same scale. Their comfort is rated 4.2 stars, which means you might need to get used to them.

Field Mandates: Are Face Masks Mandatory

Different Airsoft fields have different requirements for age, protection, and gameplay specifics like weapons on your sling. The kind of mask or protection you need to have on your face is dictated entirely by the field you play at. No set of universal rules is shared by all fields.

Most AirSoft fields require some form of face protection, especially for players under the age of 18. Still, Face Masks are not universally mandatory across all fields. You need to check with the specific codes and conventions of the one where you plan to play.

Face Mask Requirements By Age

Earlier I mentioned that certain fields require players under 18 to wear face protection. You might wonder if that’s true for all airsoft fields. The only reason that isn’t a universal requirement is that not all fields allow minors to participate in airsoft games.

Airsoft fields that allow teenagers to play always require eye protection, while ones that are limited to adults only have no face protection requirements. Regardless of the field’s rules, it is always helpful to wear a mask and eye protection.

Pros Of Wearing A Face Mask

Now that we have established that many fields will allow you to play without wearing a facemask, it is time to look at the advantages of the mask. Once you’re aware of these, we will go over the drawbacks so you can make an informed decision.

You Can Protect Your Face

This is the most obvious advantage of a face mask in an airsoft game. You can keep your face protected throughout the game. While players do not deliberately shoot at other players’ heads, accidental shots have very serious consequences, especially if they make contact with an eye.

You Can Be More Confident

Airsoft players mention how their gameplay confidence improves when they have sufficient eye protection. They don’t have to keep shifting their sight or face direction, unlike people who don’t have face protection. If your face is not protected, you may need to keep it moving, so it is not a stationary target.

And this can affect the precision of your shots. A face mask can help you keep your eyeliner still when taking shots. In some cases, people who are shy feel more secure with their faces masked up. This can also help with mid-game confidence.

Cons Of Wearing A Face Mask

Having established that face covers can protect a player’s face and help him be more still and confident during the game, let’s look at some of the drawbacks of wearing a face mask during airsoft games.

Face Masks Can Be Uncomfortable

One of the major problems some airsoft players have with face masks is that they feel odd wearing them. Face masks can be distracting initially for the wearer because they can cause discomfort. Wearing a lighter face mask is recommended initially. Anyoupin Face Mask is a light-material face mask that you can use to get familiar with face protection. It also comes with goggles.

Eventually, you can get thicker material for more protection, but even this mask will be enough for most airsoft games. With over 600 reviews and ratings, it has an average of 4.2 stars on a 5-star scale.

Face Masks Can Cause Difficulty In Breathing

While thicker material can help protect your face better, it can also make breathing difficult. Some airsoft masks have a uniform design, which means there is no special inlet or outlet for air. In other words, the player has to breathe through the thick fabric. This can lead to exhaustion and difficulty in focusing. You can offset this by choosing a mask that has a breathing channel in the design.

Should You Wear A Facemask?

Face masks aren’t usually mandatory, and you know the pros and cons of wearing them during a game. So, do the advantages outweigh the drawbacks? In my opinion, they do. You can offset the cons of wearing face masks by choosing the right one and can avail yourself of the benefits of wearing face protection.

You should wear a facemask when playing Airsoft, regardless of whether the field requires it or not. By choosing a mask that you’re comfortable with and can easily breathe in, you can ensure that you aren’t at a disadvantage for wearing it. You will be more confident on the field and better protected by wearing it.

Final Thoughts

You don’t need a mask to play Airsoft unless the field mandates it. And since most fields don’t require adults to wear face masks, you can go into a game without protecting your face. It is, however, better for your own safety to wear ey protection t a minimum and a full face mask in general when you play Airsoft.


John has been playing airsoft for nearly two decades and has a passion for sharing his knowledge in an accessible manner that helps beginners get started with airsoft.

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