Do I Need My Own Airsoft Equipment To Play?

If airsoft games sound exciting and you want to take part in one for your next work retreat, birthday, or even wedding anniversary, the first thing you need to sort is the field arrangement. And the next thing is equipment. If you don’t want to buy airsoft equipment for a one-off event, don’t worry, you have the option to rent.

You are not required to bring your own airsoft equipment if the airsoft field rents out airsoft gear. Most airsoft fields allow renting equipment and making decent money doing so. However, this option isn’t available to those playing airsoft in their own backyard or at a non-specialized venue.

In this article, you will find out more about airsoft equipment renting and how the option compares to owning your own airsoft gear. You will also discover the pros and cons of owning your own airsoft equipment. By the end of this post, you’ll have enough information to make a decision regarding buying airsoft equipment.

Pros Of Renting Airsoft Equipment

The advantages of renting equipment have to do with the mobility that comes from not having your own equipment. Your arsenal is malleable, and you can play in different locations without lugging equipment from field to field. Let’s look at the specific advantages of renting airsoft equipment.

You Can Upgrade Your Gun

The greatest advantage of the flexibility of renting airsoft equipment is that you can easily get a better FPS gun if your current piece is too slow to match up with your opponents’ airsoft weapons.

You Can Play Anywhere In The World

Almost every airsoft field has airsoft equipment for rent. A player who rents his airsoft equipment can therefore play on any field. In contrast, the one who uses his own equipment can play only in locations where he can take his equipment, which brings us to the next advantage of renting.

You Don’t Have To Carry Or Store airsoft Equipment

airsoft equipment can be bulky and annoying to carry. Depending on the space at your home, they can even be downright impossible to store safely, especially if you have kids around. But if you rent your equipment, then storing and carrying the airsoft gear isn’t your responsibility.

Renting Allows You To Test What You Want To Buy

Often, airsoft guns and gear are bought online. You can rely on reviews as well as friends’ opinions, but you can’t be sure whether the gun or vest you plan to buy will match your needs. By renting a specific piece, you can try it in a game and see if it works for you. Often, rental informs the purchase.

You Can Try Airsoft Without Buying A Depreciating Asset

Finally, the greatest perk of renting airsoft equipment is that you can change your mind about airsoft. If you decide that airsoft is not for you, you’re not stuck with a gun that is rapidly declining in price. Airsoft can be fairly expensive to get started, which can be risky for people who haven’t even decided whether they like airsoft to begin with.

Cons Of Renting Airsoft Equipment

The drawbacks of renting airsoft equipment become evident in the long run, but some of them, like equipment availability, are valid immediately. Let’s look at the individual drawbacks of renting airsoft equipment.

You Can’t Play In Your Backyard

airsoft equipment may be available at most airsoft fields, but what about backyard games played with airsoft spring pistols? Rental is never a guaranteed option and is usually not available outside of airsoft venues. Private games, therefore, are out of the reach of those who do not own their own equipment.

The Exact Equipment You Need Might Not Be Available

Even when you have the option to rent equipment, you aren’t guaranteed access to the exact equipment you might want. You’ll get an airsoft gun of a standard variety and will probably even get the FPS range you want but not the exact model. It turns out that renters can’t be choosers.

Renting Costs More Than Buying In The Long Run

Finally, the greatest drawback of renting your equipment is valid in the long run. After 5 to 15 times of renting an airsoft gun, you have paid enough money to have bought the gun, yet you don’t own anything. If you play airsoft regularly, then renting can be more expensive than buying.

From the pros and cons of renting airsoft equipment, it is evident that the choice suits those who are either starting out their airsoft journey or play the game occasionally. For regular players as well as those who engage in private bouts, airsoft equipment rental isn’t a good option. Buying airsoft equipment is your other option, and knowing about its pros and cons can help you make an informed decision.

Pros Of Owning airsoft Equipment

The pros of owning airsoft equipment are all related to ownership and long-term cost savings. Here are the benefits of owning your airsoft equipment.

You Get To Choose The Equipment

When you buy your own equipment, you have more options because shops that sell airsoft products have a larger catalog than the fields that rent airsoft gear. Since you don’t have to settle for the equipment available in a field with limited inventory.

You Can Play Privately

If you have your own airsoft gun and protective gear, you can play airsoft games in your backyard or any venue you see fit. This is in direct contrast to airsoft gear rental, which limits you to places where you can rent airsoft equipment.

Having Your Own Equipment Is Hygienic

While airsoft gun rental is pretty reasonable, renting gear like masks and goggles (available at many fields) is a poor choice. You should own your protective gear for the sake of health and hygiene.

You Save Money In The Long Run

The greatest perk of having your own equipment is that you don’t need to keep paying to rent equipment every time you play. The only cost you might incur is the field time charges, which you can bypass by playing backyard airsoft.

Cons Of Owning Airsoft Equipment

Owning your own equipment is largely advantageous but can be inconvenient. The drawbacks of having your own stuff branch out from the fact that you are responsible for your own stuff. Let’s dive into the cons of owning airsoft equipment.

You Might Not Have Tested The Equipment

If you buy your airsoft gun online without having rented it before, you might have buyer’s remorse. Testing the gun is an option available to renters more often than to buyers in this specific instance.

You Have To Carry Around The Equipment

The problem with buying airsoft equipment is that you end up having to carry it to every game. This is a minor inconvenience unless you have to travel a significant distance to get to the airsoft field.

The Airsoft Gun Needs To Be Stored Safely

This one is a very context-specific drawback that applies to houses that have kids. If you buy an airsoft gun, you end up taking home something that can injure someone. Storing the airsoft gun becomes your responsibility.

You Might Pay More Upfront

Buying airsoft equipment is the financially wiser choice over the long run. But in the short run, it requires more money. Deciding to buy equipment, then, can delay your airsoft start as you save up for your airsoft gear shopping spree. To offset this drawback, read my post on whether cheap airsoft guns are worth it and my article on whether airsoft is expensive. The latter comes with a cost breakdown.

Your Gun Might Be Too Slow For The Game

Finally, you might find the airsoft gun you own to be too slow compared to those of your opponents. Similarly, you might find the mask you own to be too heavy or too thin. When you rent the equipment, you can swap what doesn’t work with something better. When you own equipment, you cannot not own it as easily. For the most part, you’re stuck with what you own and its flaws.

Should You Own Or Rent Your airsoft Equipment?

Having covered all aspects of owning and renting airsoft gear and weapons, it is clear that ownership is the better solution for the long run. But ultimately, your decision should be tailored to your situation.

You should:

  • Rent airsoft equipment for your first game – You can then decide if you like the game enough to invest in equipment ownership.
  • Buy airsoft equipment for regular use (12 times or more per year) – If you play airsoft at least once a month, you will save more money owning airsoft equipment than renting it.
  • Rent airsoft equipment if you travel a lot and play in different states – It is worth it to pay extra and rent because lugging around airsoft gear can be inconvenient. Check out my post on whether you can fly with an airsoft gun to learn more about the problems that come with carrying airsoft gear across state lines.
  • Buy airsoft equipment if you can afford to – overall equipment ownership is the right choice in the long run. So if you play airsoft regularly and plan to do so for the foreseeable future, you should get the equipment provided that you can afford it.

Final Thoughts

airsoft seems complicated and expensive but is fairly straightforward. You need to rent an airsoft field and use an airsoft gun to play the game. Protective gear is required for your own safety. All of these factors are rentable, so you don’t need your own space, protective gear, or gun to play airsoft. In fact, it is highly recommended that you start playing with rented equipment and get your own airsoft gun only if you decide that you like the sport enough to play it more regularly.


John has been playing airsoft for nearly two decades and has a passion for sharing his knowledge in an accessible manner that helps beginners get started with airsoft.

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