Are Headshots Legal In Airsoft?

If you are wondering whether headshots can disqualify you from airsoft, you should brush up on a few rules regarding these types of shots. The last thing you want is to pay for field time only to be banned from playing.

In general, headshots are legal in airsoft if one’s opponent is in full headgear and is not at risk from the shot. If the opponent doesn’t have a helmet, only an accidental shot will be entertained. Intentional shots to unprotected players’ heads can lead to immediate disqualification.

But that also depends on a host of other factors. That’s why I am writing this article to lend clarity to this subject. In this post, you will learn whether headshots are legal in different situations and where you can take a headshot without being penalized. 4By the end, you will also find out the best ways to protect yourself from headshots. But first, let’s address the legality of intentional shots.

Can You Intentionally Take Headshots?

You cannot intentionally take headshots in most airsoft games, especially when the rest of an opponent’s body is open to attack. This is highly discouraged in most games and is declared illegal through collective agreement in some.

Depending on the rules of the airsoft field and the teammates with whom you are playing, you might be banned from the game or the venue altogether. If your opponents dispute the shot, you might be given a warning.

But if the referee finds you intentionally aiming at an opponent’s head, you might get a stricter punishment unless the player who receives the shot is in full headgear.

Since there are situations where you wouldn’t even get a warning and contexts where you might be banned, it is clear that headshots aren’t viewed the same way universally.

This brings us to the question of their foundational status in airsoft games in the absence of any arbitrary agreements.

When Are Headshots Allowed?

Headshots are allowed as long as they don’t harm the opponent. Accidental headshots that hit a player (regardless of whether he is in full headgear or not) are accepted. Intentional headshots that target a player in full gear are also generally accepted unless the venue specifically bans them.

If the venue bans headshots, then the consequences of firing at an opponent’s head can range from disqualification to an access ban. In the case of a disqualification, you are removed from the ongoing game even if you have paid for field time.

But if you are banned, then you cannot even participate in future games at that specific venue.

And that’s the last thing you want if there is only one airsoft field in your city or town. To avoid getting banned or disqualified for taking headshots, do the following:

  • Ask if headshots are legal for players in headgear – Ask the venue staff about this before you start playing. They are usually informed about the specific restrictions that apply.
  • Avoid taking intentional shots at the head when any other body part is exposed – Make it a habit to aim for the torso. Not only is it the biggest region, but it is also the safest for your opponent. Moreover, airsoft guns aren’t very accurate at long distances, so aiming at the center increases your chances of hitting the target successfully.
  • Don’t show malicious intent during the game – Finally, avoid being too aggressive during the game. Otherwise, even an accidental shot that hits the head can be viewed as a malicious one. By appearing emotionally neutral, you can get away with intentional headshots by claiming misfires.

How careful you need to be regarding the above practices depends entirely on whether headshots are banned or discouraged. And in most cases, they aren’t banned.

Are Headshots Banned Or Discouraged In Airsoft?

Headshots are discouraged in airsoft. Very few airsoft fields ban the practice because accidental headshots are very hard to differentiate from intentional ones.

Here are the instances where headshots don’t result in a ban in airsoft.

  • The opponent is in full headgear – If the opponent has a helmet and a hard mask, you can feel free to shoot at them without worrying that the shot will make contact with their head.
  • The shooter didn’t intend to hit the head – If you can convince the people who need convincing that the shot was an accident, you will not be stopped from playing.
  • The gun is demonstrably inaccurate – If your gun isn’t accurate, any shots to the head can be dismissed as accidents.
  • The airsoft field has no rules around headshots – If the field doesn’t ban or restrict headshots, then the field doesn’t have an opinion regarding the act. Your peers can still stop you from playing.

Should You Take Headshots In Airsoft?

Generally, you should avoid headshots in airsoft because the head is easy to miss and hence a bad target in a fast-moving game. Moreover, an unprotected player can get injured if you miscalculate a headshot.

However, there are situations where headshots make a lot of sense. One of these is when an opponent’s head is the only visible part of their body.

If an opponent is camping and only poking his head from behind a barrier, it is pretty obvious what you have to do to get him to respawn elsewhere.

Still, you should try your best not to hit him in the head unless he is in full headgear and immune to the pain of the contact. The flip side of this is that you should not camp and peep unless you have enough protective equipment around and over your head.

Should You Protect Yourself From Headshots In Airsoft?

There is a decent chance that you might get shot with an airsoft pellet in or around your head. That’s why you should be prepared with sufficient protective gear.

You should protect yourself from headshots in airsoft by wearing protective goggles, a hard shell mask, and a helmet. Collectively, these make you immune to airsoft pellets that might accidentally hit your head.

I recommend LeJunjie mask as it has helmet and face cover aspects, leaving behind goggles as the only other item you need to buy. The face cover is a hard shell one, and the helmet is obviously rigid.

This mask is specifically positioned for tactical games and is quite breathable despite being made of hard materials.

It doesn’t have enough reviews and ratings, so one cannot assess the general customer experience of this purchase. But in my experience, it has decent full head coverage.

As for goggles, I highly recommend Lancer Aero. It is a very comfortable pair that doesn’t obstruct your vision. I also like its value-for-money proposition.

Out of 126 reviews and ratings, these goggles have a global collective average of 4.5 stars. More specifically, they have an 4.2 stars for comfort and 4.2 stars for being beginner-friendly. It is a pretty safe purchase.

Final Thoughts

Headshots aren’t legal when they can harm the other party. If a player is wearing a hard shell mask and a solid helmet, then headshots aren’t considered a threat. But if your opponent isn’t sufficiently protected and you take an intentional shot at his head, you will be discouraged or removed from the game.


John has been playing airsoft for nearly two decades and has a passion for sharing his knowledge in an accessible manner that helps beginners get started with airsoft.

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