Are Airsoft Guns Lethal?

If you want to buy an airsoft gun for yourself or your son/daughter, you could be worried that it might be dangerous. While caution is good, assuming the extreme is not, especially when it comes to airsoft guns.

Airsoft guns are not lethal and are collectively responsible for 0 documented and reported deaths. These guns can be used to cause harm and deal irreversible damage if handled with malicious intent, however they do not pose a risk to players lives.

In this article, you will find out if these guns can be used for self-defense, hunting, and crimes, alongside the extent of the damage they can deal in different contexts. It is a short and essential read for anyone concerned about airsoft gun safety. Read this article for more information on the pain airsoft can produce.

Can You Accidentally Kill Anyone With An Airsoft Gun?

You cannot accidentally kill anyone with an Airsoft gun because there is no point of contact where an airsoft gun can inflict fatal damage. Even the most vulnerable parts of the human body cannot be damaged enough by an Airsoft pellet to the point of resulting in death.

Still, mishandling an airsoft gun can lead to permanent injuries. You might chip a tooth or may accidentally cause vision loss by hitting someone’s eye. That’s why airsoft guns should not be handled by minors and must be used only in airsoft fields where everyone is sufficiently protected.

When handling an airsoft gun, make sure to avoid hitting the following areas:

  • Eyes – Unless the target is wearing goggles, avoid aiming for the eyes, as Airsoft BBs with enough FPS can cause permanent vision loss.
  • Teeth – There are multiple reports of accidental airsoft shots resulting in chipped teeth. Do not shoot in the general direction of the head if your target isn’t properly masked.
  • Temples – Temple shots taken with Airsoft pellets can lead to serious injury even though they don’t result in death.
  • Groin – Aside from the head, the second most vulnerable spot is the male groin. Avoid taking groin shots if you are not sure that the target is sufficiently protected.

Please keep in mind that the areas covered above are “must-avoid” regions in friendly games. None of these areas are vulnerable enough to give you an advantage in a serious confrontation outside the airsoft field. “You shouldn’t shoot your friends in the eye with an airsoft gun” shouldn’t mean “you should shoot attackers in the eyes with an airsoft gun.” These guns are pretty useless outside of an airsoft game.

Can You Use An Airsoft Gun For Self-Defense?

You cannot use an airsoft gun for self-defense against an armed assailant. Airsoft pellets cannot cause enough pain to stop anyone but can inflict enough pain to anger a violent person, which can make the situation must worse.

The only instance where an airsoft gun can act in a protective capacity is when it is mistaken for a real gun. Confidently suggesting that you are armed while flashing an airsoft gun can discourage an unarmed assailant from trying to pick a fight with you. But if your bluff is called, you might be in trouble, anyway.

In the context of self-defense, Airsoft Guns are pretty useless as actual weapons. That said, these guns are occasionally used outside the airsoft field but never on humans.

Can Airsoft Guns Be Used To Kill Animals?

Airsoft guns can be used to kill small birds and incapacitate small mammals. They aren’t powerful enough to kill mammals but can kill small reptiles. BB guns are more effective at small game hunting, but airsoft guns can be used too.

Since airsoft guns are very inefficient for hunting, one might use them when restricted by circumstances. If you’re thinking of using your airsoft gun to hunt, then it might be in one of the following contexts:

SituationIs it wise to use an Airsoft gun?
You do not have a hunting rifleNo. An airsoft gun cannot replace a hunting rifle for most types of game
You do not have a hunting licenseNo. You cannot game hunt without a license, anyway. 
You want to shoot unprotected species without a hunting gunDepends. Firing even unprotected animals in a public space is illegal in many cities.
You want to discourage pests from attacking your plants/cropsYes. An Airsoft gun can be a long-distance deterrent for rabbits, moles, etc.
You want to catch birdsYes. An Airsoft gun can injure and/or kill birds.

Aside from bird hunting and pest deterrence, the airsoft gun is as good as it looks. As mentioned earlier, its shooting action cannot kill anyone. However, it can seem like a real gun, especially to someone who hasn’t seen guns. That’s why it can have some self-defense value. Unfortunately, anything that can be used for self-defense can also be used for a criminal offense.

Are Airsoft Guns Used For Crimes?

Airsoft guns are used for robberies, where criminals try to pass them off as real guns in order to ensure their victims’ compliance. Many times, the cashier or the employee recognizes the airsoft gun, which foils the robbery.

Here is a video of a news report regarding a robbery where an Airsoft gun was used:

And here is one where the Airsoft gun couldn’t pass off as a real gun

Airsoft guns are a hit-and-miss when it comes to passing off as real guns. That’s why most states are not worried about them being a real menace when actual guns keep flooding the country regardless of state-specific controls.

Are Airsoft Guns Dangerous For Kids?

Airsoft guns can be dangerous for kids even if they cannot kill people. There is a very high injury risk when an airsoft gun is used by a child. These guns should not be sold or given to children under any circumstances.

Final Thoughts

Airsoft guns are not lethal, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t dangerous. Accidental as well as intentional airsoft shots can cause permanent damage to the eyes and teeth and can result in medical emergencies. Moreover, these guns are lethal to birds despite not being able to kill humans and larger mammals.


John has been playing airsoft for nearly two decades and has a passion for sharing his knowledge in an accessible manner that helps beginners get started with airsoft.

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